eSports Program and Supportive Equipment - Board of Education Meeting, July 30, 2020

Viv Van
Viv Van

Our students enter their lives surrounded by technology. eSports can provide an atmosphere of collaboration and build social skills to engaged students and help reach a different population. The COVID-19 pandemic has made it unsafe for athletes to share locker rooms, play contact sports, or pass a ball to one another โ€“ and it's even more dangerous for fans to pack stadiums and arenas that can hold tens of thousands of people at once, yet we can still have activities with eSports in a safe environment. With distance learning becoming a new normal for many of our students across the district, eSports can renew a sense of competition and camaraderie โ€“ and drive student engagement.
Chief Information Officer Rob Dickson presenst the learning opportunities that are available to students through a new class for high school students and new competitive competitions in both middle and high school through eSports.

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